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Covid-19 therapy
Автор: Артур Фролов      Дата: 14.05.2020 14:47

Covid-19 therapy      Medical Center "Altimed" is a developer of technology for instrumental diagnostics and treatment of covid-19. The basis of the equipment is ATM diagnostic complex which determine the presence of coronavirus biopolymers in human tissues by detecting the resonant high frequencies inherent of these agent. The device is quite portable:

     After detection of the virus it follows immediate drug and instrument therapy. The danger of a fatal outcome is eliminated within 7 minutes becouse the virus completely loses its aggressiveness, for a complete recovery (the time when the virus ceases to be diagnosed by our methods and any others) it is necessary to provide up to 42 sessions of 7 minutes with breaks of several hours between each three sessions, in the most difficult cases coronavirus infection is overcome in 5-7 days after treatment start. The basic therapy device looks like at the next picture:

     For the operational organization of medical care it is necessary to have a room equipped in accordance with sanitary standards (in any medical institution) and a sufficient number of junior medical personnel (2 people per set of equipment).
     Coronavirus control centers with our equipment are currently opening in several countries. The most advanced center operates in the UAE :
     20 doctors work in 3 duty teams per day.

     We offer to organize the same center in any cities of the planet. This will solve the problem of covid-19 in the shortest time with minimal cost. Also 2-3 specialist instructors from us as a technology developer for native staff training is required.
     Our contact: www.altimed.net

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